Effect of Size and Initial Water Content on the Effective Diffusion Coefficient during Convective Drying of Sweet Potato Cut into Cubic and Cylindrical Shapes
In this article, we investigated the influence of size and initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient of sweet potatoes samples cut into cubic and cylindrical shapes. The sizes of the cubic samples are 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5 and 3 cm edge with a respective initial water content of 2.7, 3.76, 3.48, 2.68, 3.28, 2.17 and 2.29 kg/kgms. For cylindrical samples, the radius is set at 0.5 cm and sample heights are 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 cm with respective water contents of 2.2, 3.19, 2.85, 2.1, 2.17, 2.39 and 2.03 kg/kgms. The effective diffusion coefficients of cubic samples are of the order of 10?10 and 10?9 m2?s?1 grew with sample edge. As for the cylindrical samples, the effective diffusion coefficients were of the order of 10?9 m2?s?1 and there was no linear correlation between cylinder height and their effective diffusion coefficient. As for the examination of the initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient, it turned out that the initial water content had no influence on the effective diffusion coefficient of the sweet potato samples.
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