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Design of a Three-Phase Grid Connector System Using Power Transfer from Park’s Transformation

DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2024.155008, PP. 123-138

Keywords: Grid System, Inverter, Optimization, Energy, Three Phase

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Instabilities in grid-connected inverters can arise from a number of sources, including mismatched parameters, grid impedance, faults, and feedback delays. Park’s transformation provides accurate control over reactive and active (real) power. This enhances the overall efficiency of the system by enabling operators to control reactive power compensation and optimize energy flow. In dynamic settings, this guarantees greater system stability and faster response times. The current paper aims to improve the grid system by utilizing the dq0 controller. The current work focuses on the analysis based on simulations and theory, where the state space equation serves as the basis for dq-axis current decoupling. A MATLAB platform was used to simulate the complete system. TDH values of 2.45%, or less than 5%, in the given results are acceptable. The suggested controller was hence appropriate for grid system applications.


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