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Diffusion Equations of the Electric Charges and Magnetic Flux

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2024.165005, PP. 69-83

Keywords: Diffusion Coefficient, Diffusion Equation, Electric Charge, Magnetic Flux, Electromagnetic Waves, Electric Field, Magnetic Field

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Innovative definitions of the electric and magnetic diffusivities through conducting mediums and innovative diffusion equations of the electric charges and magnetic flux are verified in this article. Such innovations depend on the analogy of the governing laws of diffusion of the thermal, electrical, and magnetic energies and newly defined natures of the electric charges and magnetic flux as energy, or as electromagnetic waves, that have electric and magnetic potentials. The introduced diffusion equations of the electric charges and magnetic flux involve Laplacian operator and the introduced diffusivities. Both equations are applied to determine the electric and magnetic fields in conductors as the heat diffusion equation which is applied to determine the thermal field in steady and unsteady heat diffusion conditions. The use of electric networks for experimental modeling of thermal networks represents sufficient proof of similarity of the diffusion equations of both fields. By analysis of the diffusion phenomena of the three considered modes of energy transfer; the rates of flow of these energies are found to be directly proportional to the gradient of their volumetric concentration, or density, and the proportionality constants in such relations are the diffusivity of each energy. Such analysis leads also to find proportionality relations between the potentials of such energies and their volumetric concentrations. Validity of the introduced diffusion equations is verified by correspondence their solutions to the measurement results of the electric and magnetic fields in microwave ovens.


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