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Study of the Characteristics of Large-Diameter Iron Bars Obtained by Rolling at the ODHAV Foundry in the Republic of Guinea

DOI: 10.4236/msce.2024.126004, PP. 43-54

Keywords: Recycled Scrap, Large Diameter, Rolling, Tensile Testing, Bending

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This work consists of evaluating the quality of the mechanical parameters of large-diameter steels, i.e. 20, 25, 28 and 32, through a process of recycling scrap metal that fills garages, rubbish dumps, gutters and other abandoned sites, as well as imported concrete reinforcing steel sold in the Republic of Guinea. To carry out this important work, a number of mechanical tensile and bending tests and a microscopic analysis combining two devices, an electron microscope and a photographic camera, were carried out. The samples were taken from sampling areas in the major communes of Conakry, namely: Casse Sonfonia, Matoto and Kagbélen. The tensile strength values of the large dimensions 20, 25, 28 and 32 are given in the tables.


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