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Environmental Impact of Kakhovka Dam Breach and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Explosion on Dnieper River Landscape

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2024.146020, PP. 353-387

Keywords: Dnieper River, Ukraine, New Madrid Levee, TNT, Chernobyl, Kakhovka Dam, 137Cs, Black Sea, Kiev

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The Dnieper River headwaters are in Russia’s Valdai Hills and the river flows south to the Black Sea. The Dnieper River provides a waterway in which to transport goods to and from various European nations. In addition, the dams on the river provide hydro power. There are approximately 2260 km of Dnieper waterways in Russia, in Belarus, and within Ukraine. The Dnieper River has numerous urban centers including Smolensk in Russia, Mogilev in Belarus and Kiev and Zaporizhzhya in Ukraine. The worst nuclear accident in history unfolded, in the Dnieper River watershed, in northern Ukraine as a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded and burned. After an accident, such as Chernobyl, radionuclide contaminated bodies of water via direct deposition from the air, discharge as effluent or indirectly from catchment basin washout. When radionuclides contaminate large bodies of water, they are quickly dispersing and accumulate in water bottom sediments, benthos, aquatic plants, and bottom feeding fish. The main pathways to humans are through contamination of drinking-water, from use of water for irrigation of food crops, and consumption of contaminated fish. Kakhovka Dam on the Dnieper River was destroyed during the Russian-Ukraine conflict and the dam needs to rebuild as soon as possible. Perhaps lessons learned by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), after using TNT to blow up the Birds Point front line levee on the Mississippi River in May of 2011, can be applied to the man-induced 2023 Kakhovka Dam breach. The Birds Point man-induced levee breaches and subsequent flooding of farmland resulted in the loss of the 2011 crops and damaged the future soil productivity. The strong current and sweep of the water through the three man-induced levee breaches on the New Madrid floodway levee created deep gullies, displaced tons of soil, and damaged irrigation equipment, farms, and homes. The New Madrid floodway agricultural lands were restored, and the environmental damages were mitigated. The Kakhovka Dam destruction caused widespread flooding which affected settlements and farmland across the Dnieper watershed. The presence and breach-induced redistribution of Chernobyl-derived nuclides is an additional condition not present at the New Madrid man-induced levee breach. Four canal networks have become disconnected from the feeder reservoir. The canals were the source of drinking water for 700,000 people living in southern Ukraine. The Kakhovka canals also provided irrigation for vast areas of farmland. The water loss from the canals adversely affected


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