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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Exploring C-E Translation of Museum Text from Perspective of Moral Space Theory—A Case of Hunan Museum

DOI: 10.12677/isl.2024.82015, PP. 117-125

Keywords: 道德空间,湖南博物院,翻译与传播
Moral Space
, Hunan Museum, Translation and Communication

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As a representative window to collect, display, publicize and study the splendid material and cultural heritage of the nation, the museum is one of the important media to show the national and regional cultures to the public, give play to the function of humanities exchange and cultural influence, and play an important role in educating the public in moral and cultural literacy. Hunan Museum is the largest historical and artistic museum in Hunan Province, which undertakes the important task of spreading HuXiang culture (culture originated in Hunan) to the outside world. Based on the three characteristics of the moral space theory, namely, boundedness, restriction and relative stability, this paper analyzes the English version of Hunan Museum’s cultural heritage texts, discusses the translation strategies of the HuXiang culture represented by Hunan Museum, and then constructs a moral space for the external exchange of HuXiang culture, so that more westerners feel the spiritual strength of it.


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