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Challenges and Motivating Factors of Orthodontic Treatment among Patients Attending Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital

DOI: 10.4236/ojst.2024.146023, PP. 291-308

Keywords: Orthodontic Treatment, Aesthetics, Motivation, Chewing, Cross-Sectional Design

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Background: Orthodontic treatment poses challenges such as discomfort, aesthetic concerns, dietary restrictions, time commitment, and financial considerations for patients. These challenges can deter individuals from pursuing treatment or cause anxiety during the process. However, patients are motivated by the desire to improve their appearance, boost self-confidence, and enhance oral health. They also value the long-term benefits of treatment, including improved dental function and overall well-being. Professional recommendations from dentists and orthodontists, along with social support from family and friends, further encourage patients to undergo treatment. Understanding these challenges and motivating factors is crucial for orthodontic professionals to tailor treatment plans and ensure positive experiences and successful outcomes for their patients. Objective: To determine the challenges and motivating factors of orthodontic treatment among patients attending Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Method: The study was conducted at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana, with a sample size of 60 orthodontic patients. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS software. Ethical approval was obtained, and the findings were shared with stakeholders. Results: Findings showed a higher representation of females (63.3%) seeking orthodontic treatment. Common motivations for seeking orthodontic treatment included aesthetic Concerns (38.2%), misaligned teeth (28.1%) and recommendation from dentist (19.2%). Challenges reported included pain and discomfort (36.7%), difficulty chewing (15%), expensive treatment (14.4%) and missed appointments (11.7%). Factors motivating treatment continuation were visible improvements (30%), achieving optimal results (23%), reducing pain and discomfort (17%). External influences, such as family pressure, also played a role. Patients appreciated the support of healthcare providers during treatment but suggested better pain management and education. Conclusion: The study provided valuable insights into patient motivations, challenges and factors influencing satisfaction and adherence to orthodontic treatment at KATH.


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