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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on Water Ecosystem Health Strategy in Dawenhe River Basin

DOI: 10.12677/ije.2024.132029, PP. 222-231

Keywords: 生态系统,自组织,水生态,流域
, Self-Organization, Water Ecology, Watershed

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综合运用“生态系统方法”,将流域人类活动作为生态系统的一部分,基于“自然的解决方案”(Nature-Based Solution)利用自然系统的自组织力原则,针对大汶河流域水生态问题现状及,提出了优化流域河水系结构,通过有目的地对生态系统进行设计,恢复河流的连通性和弯曲度;修复水源地和岸滩植被,利用植被调控水文过程与生态基流,创造一个功能良好人类干预下的水生态系统,实现对流域水生态系统综合修复,恢复流域水生态健康。
By comprehensively applying the “ecosystem approach”, taking human activities in the basin as a part of the ecosystem, and based on the “nature-based solution” and the principle of self-organization of natural systems, this paper proposes to optimize the river system structure of the basin in view of the current situation of water ecological problems in the Dawen River Basin. Restoring river connectivity and curvature through purposeful ecosystem design; restoring the vegetation of water source and beach, using vegetation to regulate the hydrological process and ecological base flow, creating a water ecosystem with good function and human intervention, realizing the comprehensive restoration of the water ecosystem of the basin, and restoring the water ecological health of the basin.


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