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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Interpretation of the “Hao Mu” in Cangjie Temple, Baishui County

DOI: 10.12677/ije.2024.132023, PP. 180-185

Keywords: 仓颉庙,蒿木,白水县,松柏类,坟地,阔叶树,针叶树,气味
Cangjie Temple
, Hao Mu, Baishui County, Conifers, Graveyards, Broad-Leaved Trees, Conifers, Odors

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Purpose: To reveal what the “Hao Mu” lintel in Cangjie Temple, Baishui County is. Methods: Analyze the odors and geographical names of Artemisia species, non-Artemisia broad-leaved trees, and conifers. Results: The “Hao Mu” lintel in Cangjie Temple is not within the range of Artemisia species, possibly referring to conifers of non-Artemisia species, more likely to be the wood produced in the area south of Mount Tai in Shandong or in graveyards. Conclusion: As a synonym for the area south of Mount Tai in Shandong and graveyards, “Hao” refers to wood with aromatic essential oil odors grown in the area south of Mount Tai or graveyards. In the surrounding area of Cangjie Temple, the tall and straight cypress trees planted in graves historically are more likely to provide the “Hao Mu” lintel. Since Artemisia species have aromatic essential oil odors and are wood produced in Artemisia land, the lintel in Cangjie Temple is named “Hao Mu”. This kind of “Hao Mu” not only indicates the source of the wood (graveyards) and the nature of the wood (cypress), but also reflects the local culture (respect for the deceased). In today’s historical development, it is unnecessary to specifically know whether “Hao Mu” is pine or cypress, it is enough to know that it is wood produced in Artemisia land and can be used as a lintel in Cangjie Temple. “Hao” is the geographical name, not the Artemisia species.


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