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Adsorption’s Regularities of Radionuclides on Adsorbents from Solutions

DOI: 10.4236/msce.2024.124013, PP. 143-153

Keywords: Uranium Isotopes, Radon, Ionizing Radiation, Adsorption, Activation Energy

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In the water of numerous thermal and cold springs in the Kalbajar region of Azerbaijan, radioactive radon was determined in different concentrations, and uranium isotopes were found in the soil of the locations of these springs in the same proportions as in natural uranium deposits. Uranium isotopes were transferred from soil samples to solutions. The regularities of adsorption from solutions of uranium isotopes on the surfaces of various adsorbents are studied. The results of studies of isotope sorption from aqueous solutions on various adsorbents showed high adsorption properties of DOWEX HCR S/S granular elastomer, activated carbon and expanded clay. The activation energies of desorption of uranium isotopes from the surface of adsorbents were also determined. Relatively low values (22.1 - 26.3 kJ/mol) of the activation energy of desorption of uranium isotopes from the surface of adsorbents indicate the absence of the chemical nature of sorption and the presence of only weak Van der Waals forces between the absorbed isotopes and the surface of the adsorbents in solutions.


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