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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on the Barrier Effect of Modified Biochar on Cadmium Absorption by Asparagus Lettuce

DOI: 10.12677/ije.2024.132020, PP. 153-159

Keywords: 镉,莴笋,锌改性生物炭,阻控效应
, Asparagus Lettuce, Zinc-Modified Biochar, Retarding Effect

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本研究以镉污染土壤和其上生长莴笋为例,通过盆栽实验,施加不同含量锌改性生物炭,对比分析其对土壤pH、土壤镉形态、含量、莴笋镉含量的影响,探讨锌改性生物炭阻隔莴笋富集镉的效应。研究结果如下:1) 在不同水平的锌改性生物炭处理下,土壤pH值略有上升,但影响程度较小。2) 空白处理下,土壤可交换态镉占比为40%,而锌改性生物炭处理下其占比范围为22%~29%,相比空白,不同改性生物炭施加水平下可交换态镉含量有明显下降。3) 锌改性生物炭对阻控莴笋吸收镉有一定效果,但施加水平并非越高效果越好。研究结果表明,当施加改性生物炭比例为1%时,阻控效应达到最佳水平。
This study used cadmium-contaminated soil and lettuce growth as an example. Through pot experiments involving the application of zinc-modified biochar at various levels, the study analyzed the effects on soil pH, soil cadmium forms and contents, and cadmium content in lettuce. The aim was to explore the impact of zinc-modified biochar on inhibiting cadmium accumulation in lettuce. The research results are as follows: 1) under different levels of zinc-modified biochar treatment, soil pH slightly increased, but the impact was relatively small. 2) In the control treatment, the percentage of exchangeable cadmium in the soil was 40%, while under Zinc-modified biochar treatment, the percentage ranged from 22% to 29%. Compared to the control treatment, the exchangeable cadmium content significantly decreased under various levels of modified biochar application. 3) Zinc-modified biochar has a specific impact on limiting cadmium uptake by lettuce, but increased application levels do not always lead to improved outcomes. The study results indicate that the optimal inhibition effect is achieved when the proportion of modified biochar application is 1%.


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