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Mechanical Evaluation of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy in Cast Wrought Form

DOI: 10.4236/msce.2024.124010, PP. 119-125

Keywords: Squeeze Casting, Wrought Magnesium Alloy AZ80, Porosity, Tensile Prop-erties

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Wrought magnesium alloy AZ80 with a thick section of 20 mm was prepared by squeeze casting (SC) and permanent steel mold casting (PSMC). The porosity measurements of the SC and PSMC depicted that SC AZ80 had a pore content of 0.52%, which was 77% lower than 2.21% of PSMC AZ80 counterpart. The YS, UTS, ef, E and strengthening rate of cast AZ80 were determined by mechanical pulling. The engineering stress versus strain bended lines showed that SC AZ80 had a YS of 84.7 MPa, a UTS of 168.2 MPa, 5.1% in ef, and 25.1 GPa in modulus. But, the YS, UTS and ef of the PSMC AZ80 specimen were only 71.6 MPa, 109.0 MPa, 1.9% and 21.9 GPa. The findings of the mechanical pulling evidently depicted that the YS, UTS, ef and E of SC AZ80 were 18%, 54%, 174% and 15% higher than PSMC counterpart. The computed resilience and toughness suggested that the SC AZ80 exhibited greater resistance to tensile loads during elastic deformation and possessed higher capacity to absorb energy during plastic deformation compared to the PSMC AZ80. At the beginning of permanent change, the strengthening rate of SC AZ80 was 10,341 MPa, which was 9% greater than 9489 MPa of PSMC AZ80. The high mechanical characteristics of SC AZ80 should be primarily attributed to its low porosity level.


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