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Management of Square Carcinoma of the Lower Lip Using Camille-Bernard Flap under Local Anesthesia: When Constraints Dictate Our Attitude

DOI: 10.4236/ojst.2024.144015, PP. 191-197

Keywords: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Lower Lip, Camille Bernard Flap, Local Anesthesia

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Introduction: Squamous cell carcinomas of the lip essentially pose a therapeutic management problem. In the West, their treatment is done under general anesthesia and follows the classic rules of oncology. In our context of exercise, we sometimes have a different attitude dictated by various constraints. Observation: 55-year-old patient with no notable history, seen in consultation for a very large ulcerative-budding lesion on the right 2/3 of the lower lip with mucocutaneous involvement without lymph node findings found on examination. Faced with this suspicious lesion and the patient’s financial difficulties, we decided to operate under local anesthesia to remove this tumor. The oncological excision was followed by immediate plasty using a Camille-Bernard flap with a good immediate aesthetic and functional result and postoperative day 7. The patient was unable to take his surgical specimen to anatomy-pathology and was lost to follow-up due to lack of financial resources. On anatomo-pathological analysis of the surgical specimen, the margins were healthy with confirmation of squamous cell carcinoma (anapathological reading made for scientific interest). Discussion: The particular mentality of certain patients and their difficult financial conditions push us to have an unconventional therapeutic attitude in oncology, but which nevertheless makes it possible to resolve certain problems that we often face. Local anesthesia is possible and realistic in cases like ours and the results can be acceptable and life-saving.


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