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Multivariate Approach to Characterizing Soil Quality of Gabonese’s Ferralitic Soils

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2024.144014, PP. 237-268

Keywords: Gabon, Ferralitic Soil, Soil Indicators, Standard Score Function, Soil Quality Indices, Sustainable Soil, Soil Management

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Assessing soil quality is essential for crop management and soil temporal changes. The present study aims to evaluate soil quality in the Ferralitic soils context countrywide. This assessment was done using multivariate soil quality indice (SQI) models, such as additive quality index (AQI), weighted quality indexes (WQIadd and WQIcom) and Nemoro quality index (NQI), applied to two approaches of indicator selection: total data set (TDS) and minimum data set (MDS). Physical and chemical soil indicators were extracted from the ORSTOM’s reports resulting from a sampling campaign in different provinces of Gabon. The TDS approach shows soil quality status according to eleven soil indicators extracted from the analysis of 1,059 samples from arable soil layer (0 - 30 cm depth). The results indicated that 87% of all provinces presented a very low soil quality (Q5) whatever the model. Among soil indicators, exchangeable K+ and Mg2+, bulk density and C/N ratio were retained in MDS, using principal component analysis (PCA). In the MDS approach, 50 to 63% of provinces had low soil quality grades with AQI, WQIadd and NQI, whereas the total was observed with WQIcom. Only 25% of provinces had medium soil quality grades with AQI and NQI models, while 12.5% (NQI) and 25% (AQI) presented high quality grades. Robust statistical analyses confirmed the accuracy and validation (0.80 < r < 0.91; P ≤ 0.016) of AQI, WQIadd and NQI into the TDS and MDS approaches. The same sensitivity index value (1.53) was obtained with AQI and WQIadd. However, WQIadd was chosen as the best SQI model, according to its high linear regression value (R2 = 0.82) between TDS and MDS. This study has important implications in decision-making on monitoring, evaluation and sustainable management of Gabonese soils in a pedoclimatic context unfavorable to plant growth.


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