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Interaction between Biochar and Algae on Problem Soil

DOI: 10.4236/msce.2024.121005, PP. 56-68

Keywords: Biochar, Algae, Problem Soil, Interaction, Phosphorus

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An in-vitro experiment was conducted to assess the interaction between biochar and algae on a problem soil. Experiments were performed with and without algae to observe the effectiveness of algae for overcoming the challenges posed by problem soils. At the end of incubation periods, the adsorption and desorption of phosphorus (P) on a problem soil vis-á-vis algal inoculation were determined. Our results showed that different types of biochars adsorbed different amounts of P suggesting that the source of biochar played a crucial role in determining its behavior towards P. Tannery waste biochar significantly adsorbed 147% and 35% more P compared to that of the chicken litter and orange peel biochars respectively. Significant reductions in adsorption were observed when the biochar was used in combination with the algae which could be due to the beneficial effects of algae leading to the amelioration of the problem soil. Adsorption was reduced to 34%, 24% and 20% for the orange peel biochar + algae, chicken litter biochar + algae and tannery waste biochar + algae, respectively compared to the corresponding biochars present as a single solid. Phosphorus (P) desorption was also reduced significantly in presence of algal inoculation. Overall our findings suggest that the application of algae along with biochar in the problem soil could reduce the adsorption of P which would influence the availability of P.


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