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Calcium-Magnesium Ca/Mg Ratios and Their Agronomic Implications for the Optimization of Phosphate Fertilization in Rainfed Rice Farming on Acidic Ferralsol in the Forest Zone of Ivory Coast

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2024.141005, PP. 81-96

Keywords: Soil Acidity, Ca/Mg Ratios, Phosphate Fertilization, Rice Growing, Ivory Coast

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This study is a contribution to improving rice productivity on acidic plateau soils of the tropical rainforest zone. It is based on taking into account the cationic balances of the soil in order to optimize the phosphorus (P) nutrition of rice on these acidic soils, where this nutrient constitutes a limiting factor for agricultural production. Three (3) pot trials were conducted in Adiopodoumé in the forested south of Côte d’Ivoire. The interactive effects of calcium carbonate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg Ca ha1) and magnesium sulfate (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg Mg ha1) were evaluated on the response of NERICA 5 rice at doses 0, 25, 50 and 75 kg P ha1 of natural phosphate from Togo, applied only once at the start of the experiment. Additional fertilizers of nitrogen (N) (100 kg N ha1) and potassium (K) (50 kg KCl ha1) were added to each of the tests in a split-plot device. The test results revealed a paddy production potential of approximately 3 to 5 tha1 for NERICA 5 on an acidic soil, under the effect of the interaction of P, Ca and Mg. The quadratic response of rice yield to the doses of these fertilizers would be more dependent on their balance, itself influenced by Ca nutrition. For the sustainability and maintenance of rice production in agro-ecology studied, it was recommended doses of 38 kg Ca ha1, 34 kg Mg ha1 in a Ca/Mg ratio (1/1) with intakes of 41 kg P ha1, overall in a ratio 1/1/1 (P/Ca/Mg) more favorable to the availability of free iron considered a guiding element of mineral nutrition. Thus, these promising results should be confirmed in a real environment for better management of the fertilization of rice cultivated on acidic plateau soils in Côte d’Ivoire.


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