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Microplastic Impacts on Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Terrestrial Ecosystems

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2024.141004, PP. 64-80

Keywords: Microplastic, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas, Type, Concentration

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Microplastics can influence global climate change by regulating the emissions of greenhouse gases from different ecosystems. The effects of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems are still not well studied particularly greenhouse gases emissions. Thus, we conducted a laboratory experiment over a period of 90 days with two types of microplastics (differing in their chemical structure), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE), which were applied to the soil at a rate of 0% to 0.1% (w/w). The overarching aim was to investigate the effects of microplastic type, microplastic concentration and days of exposure on greenhouse gases emissions. We also used original and artificially weathered microplastics (the same HDPE and LDPE) to make a comparison of greenhouse gases emissions between the original microplastics treated soils and the soils treated with weathered microplastics. Our findings showed that HDPE and LDPE microplastics significantly increased the emissions of greenhouse gases from the soil than that of the control soils. Emissions were increased with the increases in the level of microplastic in the soil. The weathered microplastic emitted greater quantity of greenhouse gases compared to that of the original microplastics. In contrast to a low initial emission quantity, the emissions were gradually increased at the termination of the experiment. Our experiment on the emissions of greenhouse gases from the soil vis-à-vis microplastic additions indicated that the microplastic increased the emissions of greenhouse gases in terrestrial ecosystems, and pervasive microplastic impacts may have consequences for the global climate change. Greenhouse gases emissions from the soil not only depend on the type and concentration of the microplastic, but also on the days of exposure to the microplastic.


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