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Tigris, Euphrates, and Shatt Al-Arab River System: Historic and Modern Attempts to Manage and Restore Iraq’s Lifeline

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2024.141003, PP. 28-63

Keywords: Mesopotamian, Shatt Al-Arab, Iraq, Tigris, Euphrates, Baghdad, Soil Tunnels, Yusifiyah

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In Iraq, the principal rivers are the Tigris, Shatt Al-Arab and Euphrates. From their headwater sources in the mountains of eastern Türkiye, these rivers descend through valleys and gorges and flow into the uplands of Syria and northern and central alluvial plain of Iraq. The Euphrates and Tigris Rivers confluence to form the Shatt Al-Arab river at Al-Qurnah which flows into the Persian Gulf. From sources in the Zagros Mountains other tributaries join the Tigris from the east. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow in a southeastern direction through the central plain and discharge into the Mesopotamian Marshes, which include permanent marshes, lakes, and riparian habitat. The rivers and their tributaries drain an area of 879,790 km2 which includes almost the entire area of Iraq as well as land in Syria, Türkiye, Kuwait and Iran. The region has historical importance as part of the Fertile Crescent region and where Mesopotamian civilization first emerged. The post war reconstruction efforts in the Yusifiyah township, an important food production region for Baghdad, illustrate the importance of these water resources. In addition, the advent of soil tunnels by Iraqi insurgents within the riverine corridors will make reconstruction of this resource more complex. The primary objectives of this study are to assess lessons learned, manage, and restore the Tigris, Euphrates, and Shatt Al-Arab river system lifeline in Iraq.


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