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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




互联网 + 创新创业大赛对学生创新创业教育的影响研究——以广东科贸职业学院大数据与会计专业为例
Research on the Influence of Internet + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition on Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education—Taking Big Data and Accounting Major of Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Trade as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/VE.2024.131015, PP. 87-92

Keywords: 互联网+,创新创业大赛,高职会计教育,大数据与会计专业
, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Higher Vocational Accounting Education, Big Data and Accounting Major

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在互联网+的时代背景下,创新创业大赛的举办为高职会计教育带来了新的机遇和挑战。本文以广东科贸职业学院大数据与会计专业为例,探讨互联网 + 创新创业大赛对学生创新创业教育的影响。通过分析,本文发现创新创业大赛能够提高学生的创新意识、创业能力和实践能力,同时也能够促进高职会计教育的改革和创新。然而,也存在一些挑战和问题,例如传统教育的局限性、新技术的冲击以及教育模式的变革等。针对这些问题,本文提出了一些具体的建议和策略,例如加强宣传和教育力度、建立健全教学体系和评价体系、加强师资队伍建设、拓展实践基地和社会资源等。通过这些措施的实施,可以进一步推动高职会计教育的创新创业教育发展,为社会培养更多的高素质会计人才。
Under the background of Internet+ era, the holding of innovation and entrepreneurship competition has brought new opportunities and challenges to higher vocational accounting education. Taking big data and accounting major of Guangdong Vocational College of science and trade as an example, this paper discusses the impact of Internet + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition on students’ innovation and entrepreneurship education. Through analysis, this paper finds that innovation and entrepreneurship competition can improve students’ innovation consciousness, entrepreneurial ability and practical ability, and also promote the reform and innovation of higher vocational accounting education. However, there are also some challenges and problems, such as the limitations of traditional education, the impact of new technology and the change of education model. To solve these problems, this paper puts forward some concrete suggestions and strategies, such as strengthening publicity and education, establishing and improving teaching system and evaluation system, strengthening the construction of teachers, expanding practice base and social resources. Through the implementation of these measures, we can further promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education in higher vocational accounting education and cultivate more high-quality accounting talents for the society.


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