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Integrating Downstream Ecological, Social and Economic Effects of Hydropower to Hydraulic Modeling: A Review

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2023.138009, PP. 149-172

Keywords: Sustainable Hydropower, Hydraulic Simulation, River Regulation, Down-stream Effects, Integrated Modeling

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Hydropower gains increasing importance as a steerable and controllable power source in a renewable energy mix and deregulated markets. Although hydropower produces fossil-free energy, it has a significant impact on the local environment. This review investigates the effects of flow alterations by hydropower on the downstream river system and the possibilities to integrate these effects into hydraulic modeling. The results show that various effects of flow regulation on the ecosystem, but also social and economic effects on related communities were observed in the last decades. The application of hydraulic models for investigations of ecological effects is common. Especially hydraulic effects and effects on fish were extensively modeled with the help of hydraulic 1D- and 2D-simulations. Current applications to investigate social and economic effects integrated into hydraulic modeling are meanwhile limited. Approaches to realizing this integration are presented. Further research on the economic valuation of ecosystems and integration of social and economic effects to hydraulic models is necessary to develop holistic tools to support decision-making on sustainable hydropower.


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