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Smart Python Agents for Microgrids

DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2023.1410011, PP. 183-196

Keywords: Microgrids, Agents, SPADE, Renewable Power

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Microgrids are revolutionary power systems that interconnect a mix of renewable power generation, load, storage systems, and inverters in a small-scale grid network. Operating microgrids while maintaining a consistent grid voltage and frequency during the islanding and disruption of renewables has been a challenging research problem. In this paper, a preliminary microgrid agent implementation is presented using SPADE (Smart Python Agent Development Environment) as a powerful development framework that has been used extensively in many application domains. Agents autonomously managed and operated microgrid individual components. A multiagent microgrid system was modeled to seamlessly operate and optimize energy balance by coordinating the actions of agents. Agents were built to forecast energy demand and solar power and coordinate to balance generation with load while maintaining optimal power flow and adequate network voltage and frequency.


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