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Influence of Soil pH, Organic Matter, and Clay Content on Environmentally Available Lead in Soils: A Case Study in Muncie, Indiana, USA

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2023.1310019, PP. 414-430

Keywords: Soil Acidity/Alkalinity, Lead Leaching, Lead Solubility, Health Risks, Lead Mobility

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Due to historical and ongoing industrial practices, lead contamination in urban soils presents substantial health risks, primarily due to its capacity to readily migrate from the soil to humans. This research focused on the influence of soil pH, organic matter, and clay content on extractable lead amounts. Sixty-four soil samples from Muncie, Indiana, were analyzed, revealing that the examined factors accounted for 21.71% of the Pb mg/Kg-dry variable variance (p < 0.002). A significant inverse correlation was observed between Pb and clay content (r = 0.4, p < 0.001), with XRD and FTIR analyses confirming the binding affinity of clay minerals with lead. In contrast, no significant relationships were found between Pb concentrations and soil pH (r = 0.07; p = 0.59) or organic matter content (r = 0.12; p = 0.34). Elucidating the interactions between lead, clay minerals, and other soil constituents is crucial for addressing lead-contaminated soils and reducing environmental and health impacts.


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