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Comparative Study of Available Solar Potential for Six Stations of Sahel

DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2023.148009, PP. 153-167

Keywords: Solar Potential, Pyranometer, Sahel, Comparative Study, Sunlight Analysis

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Sahel is an African area with high solar potential. However, this potential is not uniform across the region. This paper examines the spatial distribution of the available solar potential by using six stations across the Sahel area. This comparative study was based on the analysis of in situ measurements in Dakar in Senegal, Niamey in Niger, Ouagadougou, Gaoua, Dori in Burkina Faso and N’Djamena in Chad. The results showed the presence of a good global solar potential with an average value of about 5.43 kWh/m2/day. The maxima of global potential are noted in the northern part in Niamey with a value of 6.24 kWh/m2/day while the minima are recorded in the south-eastern part in N’Djamena with an irradiation close to 4.71 kWh/m2/day. Then, the monthly evolution of this potential shows similar trends for all stations. Indeed, two maximums are observed during the year in Spring (March) and Autumn (October). However, for most of these stations, the minima of global potential are recorded in Winter (November, February) and during the rainy season (July, October). Moreover, the direct normal potential also shows seasonal trends for the two stations (Dakar, Niamey) where it was measured. The maxima of direct normal irradiation (DNI) are observed between February and May with a value of 5.5 kWh/m2/day in Dakar and in Niamey with a value around 5.32 kWh/m2/day between February and November.


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