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Re-Examining Field-Surveyed Variations in Elevation and Soil Properties with a 1-m Resolution LiDAR-Generated DEM

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2023.139017, PP. 371-390

Keywords: Field-Elevation Survey, LiDAR 1-m DEM, Flow Channels, Depth-to-Water, Soil Properties, Factor Analysis

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This article presents a 2017 LiDAR-DEM guided 1-m resolution examination of field-surveyed elevation and soil property variations (5 × 5 m spacings) conducted in 1977 across a hummocky New Brunswick field used for potato production. This examination revealed that the field incurred minor elevation differences were likely due to upslope erosion, as revealed through increasing Sand % and CF % with increasing elevation, and increasing Silt % along low-lying areas. Soil moisture, field capacity, permanent wilting and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) also increased at downslope locations. Directly as well as indirectly, soil pH, ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), Caesium137 (Cs137) and Mehlich-3 extracted Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn were likewise affected by topographic location. Factor analyzing these variables led to: 1) a Soil Loss Factor that captured 24% of the textural variations; 2) a Soil-Cropping Factor accounting for 16% of the N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn variations; 3) a Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Factor relating 9% of the in-field variations for SOM, Fe, Zn, Cu to via organo-metal complexation and low NO3-N retention. Many of the topographic variations increased or decreased with the metric DEM-projected depth-to-water index (DTW) index. This index was set to 0 along DEM-derived flow channels with minimum upslope flow-accumulation areas of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 4 ha. Among these, the DTW > 4 ha threshold was useful for reproducing the textural variations, while the DTW > 0.25 ha threshold assisted in capturing trends pertaining to moisture retention and elemental concentrations.


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