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Study of the Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of the Soil of Limbita 1 in the Guinean Coastal Area

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2023.137015, PP. 340-354

Keywords: Characteristics, Physical, Mechanical, Coastal Area, Zone

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Limbita 1 is a hilltop settlement in the rural town of khorira, the district of Dubreka. It is a land of the locality commonly called “limbita quarry”, and widely converted by bricks manufacturers of Dubreka district and those of conakry area. However, no information about the characteristics of this land’s soil is yet available. The soil’s characteristics are then determined through the series of tests (granulometry, Atterberg limits, modified proctor, CBR, shear, odometric compressibility). These tests are carried out with samples derived from the site of Limbita within the area of Limbita 1. This work shows very consistent results that made it possible to deduce the very swelling nature of the soil.


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