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Assessment of Soil Contamination and Human Health Risk around an Industrial Gold Mine in C?te d’Ivoire: The Case of Arsenic

DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2023.137014, PP. 329-339

Keywords: Industrial Mine, Tongon, Pollution, Arsenic, Soil

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The Tongon mine generates millions of tons of waste rock and tailings, which are stored in landfills in the vicinity of the mine. These tailings contain arsenic. The risk of soil contamination in this area is evident. This study assesses the arsenic contamination of soils around the mine and the health risks to the local population. Soil samples were taken from plastic bags and other materials used as working tools. Arsenic concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, after the soil samples had been concentrated and digested. Metal contamination indices were used to assess the degree of soil contamination. The results obtained indicate that soils in the industrial zone of the Tongon gold mine have very high average concentrations, well above the world average for uncontaminated soils of 6 mg/kg arsenic. Geoaccumulation index values range from 1.28 to 3.40. These values highlight severe arsenic soil contamination. The human health risk assessment revealed that exposure risks are well above the critical limit of 1 and are, in descending order, children > adult women > adult men. These results indicate an ecological risk, requiring environmental monitoring, underpinned by the development of an effective remediation strategy to reduce local pollution and contamination.


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