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Clinical and Paraclinical Epidemiological Aspects of Multifocal Fractures of the Mandible in Chuo

DOI: 10.4236/ojst.2023.136016, PP. 189-196

Keywords: Diagnosis Epidemiology Mandible Multifocal Fracture

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Introduction: Multifocal fractures of the mandible are responsible for the modification of anatomy with functional and aesthetic repercussions. The aim of our work is to determine the clinical and paraclinical epidemiological aspects of multifocal mandible fractures. Materials and Methods: Retrospective, descriptive study conducted at the Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Hospital of Owendo, from January 2018 to January 2021. All mandibular multifocal fractures with radiological images were included, while all incomplete records and monofocal fractures were not included. Data collection was done on a form from patient records. Age, sex, mode of transport, periodicity, mechanisms, etiologies, soft tissue lesions, dental joint disorder, sensitivity disorder, dental damage, radiological examination, the number and location of fracture features, and associated lesions were the variables studied. Results: 49 files collected; the average age of 28 ± 8.4 years; male predominance at 75.5%. Personal transport was used at 53%, November was the most accident-prone month, road accident was the dominant etiology at 59%, and direct mechanism at 88%. Stomatoragia predominated at 98%, and hypoaesthesia predominated at 30%. The lesional association with the facial massif was 20%. The CT scan was performed at 61%. The bifocal fracture was the most common at 84%. Discussion: According to Alexander violent assaults are the main cause but for Mala it is MVA. The dental panoramic is the basic examination. For Rocton and Mala, the bifocal fracture is the most frequent of the multifocal fractures. Conclusion: Multifocal fractures are the prerogative of the young subject and road accident is the dominant etiology.


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