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Design Intervention: An Artistic Strategy (A Strategy) to Minimize Text Fading and Metal Commemorative Plaque Theft in Ghana

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2023.131001, PP. 1-17

Keywords: Commemorative Plaques, Strategy, Porcelain, Silicone Sealant, Anodized Metal

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The Commemorative Plaque Industry thrives at the hands of the local craftsmen in Ghana. Techniques, methods, tools, and materials used as handed to them by their previous masters have remained the same over the years. As a result, plaques produced had peculiar problems such as text fading, degrading the actual effect of the plaques. Additionally, metals once widely used for making plaques devoid of text fading in the industry seem to have lost their relevance due to metal plaque theft, rust on metal plaques, and the continuous rise in metal prices. This research uses descriptive, experimental, and case studies of the qualitative research method to examine the problems associated with locally produced commemorative plaques. A total of hundred (100) artisans, including metal scrap dealers, and plaque buyers, were selected for the study. Direct observation and face-to-face interviews were conducted with the local craftsmen, art lecturers and students, scrap dealers, and plaque buyers who were purposively sampled for the study. The study revealed that existing materials like ceramic and aluminium could be integrated innovatively to produce commemorative plaques devoid of text fading; a corrosion-resistant text could be made using anodized or coated metals used in smaller quantities to reduce costs while also making them unattractive for theft and lastly, silicone sealant was found to be a viable option for permanently inscribing text on porcelain bases. The results clarify and underline the necessity to grow the local plaque industry in terms of plaque production as another essential basis to assure high-quality plaques with no text fading that will survive for generations to serve their intended purpose.


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