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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Wisdom and Geology, the North German Basin, and the Significance of Thrown Dices

DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2023.141008, PP. 150-186

Keywords: North German Basin, Subsurface Problems, Geological Parameters, Wisdom, Thoughts, Dices

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For thousands of years, mankind is observing the surrounding nature. Often, they found no obvious clues for inexplicable and complex facts, leading to the belief that their wisdom was limited. This is in the majority of cases still true today, but based on hundreds of years of (geo-) scientific work some older thoughts can now be readjusted by combining newer geological, environmental, historical and philosophical clues. Facts about the development of the North German Basin are used to demonstrate the variability of geological systems and how these can be described by taking dice as a metaphor for ruling geological parameters. This includes all kinds of plate tectonically controlled basin forming processes, especially metamorphism of the lower crust due to a fixed mantle plume, basin filling processes with their galactic and lunar overprints, basin modifying tectonics due to internal (halokinesis, inversion) or external forces (one-sided loads at the surface due to mighty Delta sediments or glacial ice sheets) and geochemical reactions as a result of pressure and temperature changes in course of subsidence. Especially, the Rotliegend (Lower Permian) Gas Play is one of the possible illustrations of the entity of


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