The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator invented by Kapchinskii and Tepliakov can focus, bunch, and accelerate charged-particle beams simultaneously. Typically, it operates at frequencies up to 500 MHz, for low particle velocities (?β < 0.12?). The first attempt to design cylindrical RFQ for electrons in the GHz region was done using 3 GHz at Frascati in 1990. In this paper, an analytical approximation of the electromagnetic field is given, and linearized in the beam region for a rectangular Electron Radio Frequency Quadrupole (ERFQ). The differences between the proton-RFQ and the electron-RFQ are discussed. Then, it will be shown that contrary to the quadrupoles for protons or heavy-ions, the ERFQ is suited for electron velocities in the range 0.5 - 0.7 c, and possible applications are given. Finally, it is illustrated, with numerical field computations that this approach gives sufficient accuracy at 10 GHz.
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