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Transformation Matrix for Combined Loads Applied to Thin-Walled Structures

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2022.126006, PP. 65-78

Keywords: Thin-Walled Structure, Open Sections, Transformation Matrix, Load Transformation, Combined Load Transformation, Shear Centre, Warping, Bimoment, Sectorial Area Properties

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This paper transforms combined loads, applied at an arbitrary point of a thin-walled open section beam, to the shear centre of the cross-section of the beam. Therein, a generalized transformation matrix for loads with respect to the shear centre is derived, this accounting for the bimoments that develop due to the way the combined loads are applied. This and the authors’ earlier paper (World Journal of Mechanics 2021, 11, 205-236) provide a full solution to the theory of thin-walled, open-section structures bearing combined loading. The earlier work identified arbitrary loading with the section’s area properties that are necessary to axial and shear stress calculations within the structure’s thin walls. In the previous paper attention is paid to the relevant axes of loading and to the transformations of loading required between axes for stress calculations arising from tension/compression, bending, torsion and shear. The derivation of the general transformation matrix applies to all types of loadings including, axial tensile and compression forces, transverse shear, longitudinal bending. One application, representing all these load cases, is given of a simple channel cantilever with an eccentrically located end load.


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