Solid waste is a promising renewable fuel that can substitute
conventional fuel. According to the researchers, thermoconversion
of solid waste such as municipal solid waste or residual household waste (RHW)
is beneficial to society. However, due to its heterogeneity, the gasification
of RHW is more complex. This review article
discusses the steps that RHW must undergo before its thermoconversion and the
state of the art of solid waste gasification. First, characterisation methods
of RHW are surveyed. Second, the properties ofRHW, the production lines of
refuse derived fuel (RDF) from RHW, the influence of RDF composition and operating
parameters such as equivalence ratio and temperature are reviewed. Moreover,
RDF gasification products, scientific barriers and proposed solutions are
evaluated. In conclusion, concerning emissions, costs and technical aspects related to
each thermochemical process, it can be said that gasification is a promising
technique for the recovery of RHW. However, studies on cogasification of waste
and biomass on a pilot-industrial scale are still scarce and synergistic
effects of this cogasification need to be clarified.
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