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Impact of the Negative Resistance on the Characteristics of a Tunnel Diode-Inductive Circuit

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2022.147007, PP. 81-88

Keywords: Tunnel Diode, Negative Electric Resistance, Computer Algebra System, Mathematica, Maple

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The I-V diagram of a tunnel diode inherits a voltage range corresponding to a specific current domain with a negative slope. Within this range, the electric resistance is negatively impacting the characteristics of the electric circuits. One such circuit containing a tunnel diode in series with an inductor driven by a DC source is considered. The negative resistance significantly alters the characteristics of the circuit. In this research-oriented project, we unveil these characteristics comparing them to the classic inductive circuit with an ohmic resistor. This project stems from our previous work [1] and may be considered an application of the tunnel diode embodying unseen surprises. The circuit analysis is entirely based on utilizing a Computer Algebra System (CAS) specifically Mathematica. Without a CAS, the completion of the project wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.


[1]  Sarafian, H. (2021) Negative Resistance and Its Impact on a RC-DC Driven Electric Circuit. Journal of Electromagnetism Analysis and Applications, 13, 103-110.
[2]  Tunnel Diode.
[3]  Mathematica Vision 13.0.
[4]  Schrödinger, E. (1930) Über die kräftefreie Bewegung in der relativistischen Quantenmechanik. Sitzungsberichte Akad, Berlin, 418-428. (In German)
[5]  Wolfram, S. (1996) Mathematica Book. 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[6]  Sarafian, H. (2019) Mathematica Graphics Examples. 2nd Edition, Scientific Research Publishing, Wuhan.


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