In further discussion on the Maxwell-Lorentz equations in Dirac’s symmetrisation, I introduce the concept of magnetic monopole as an “act of electric current” in the 2nd equation (i.e. the analog of the “act of movement” in Classical Mechanics), I postulate a “magnetic displacement current” and a “magnetomotive force” in the 3rd and 4th equations, respectively (i.e. the analogs of the “electric displacement current” and of the “electromotive force” in the 4th and 3rd equations, respectively). As a consequence, I propose a generalised vision of the Electromagnetism in which inhomogeneous, microscopic, and relativistically linked equations describe the static and the oscillatory phenomena. Then, in the frame of Relativity, I propose analog microscopic equations to study the Gravitation and the Space-Time in terms of static and oscillatory phenomena: the static equations show the sources of newly defined vector fields (the generalised mass density as the source of the generalised mass field, the generalised time density as the source of the generalised space field, respectively), whereas the oscillatory equations describe the propagation of the gravitational waves and of the spatiotemporal waves, respectively. In other words, I propose to unify Electromagnetism, Gravitation, and Space-Time in terms of microscopic Maxwell-Lorentz-like equations in Dirac’s symmetrisation, where the unifying trait is c. Finally, using the concepts of the proposed generalised Electromagnetism, I discuss the conservation in Electromagnetism and the interaction between matter and electromagnetic waves.
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