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Review: Prediction of Unexpected Fluid-Induced Vibration in Pipeline Network

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2022.122002, PP. 17-40

Keywords: Fluid-Induced Vibration, Flow Oscillation, Tube Flow, Laminar Steady Flow, Fluid Power Plant

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This review considers unexpected destructive disasters involving fluid power plants, such as nuclear electric power plants and fluid power plants. It specifically addresses the possibility of fluid vibration induced in a pipeline network of such a plant. The authors investigate the flow oscillation induced within a T-junction for laminar steady flow at a Reynolds number less than 103 and clarify that there is a periodic fluid oscillation with a constant Strouhal number independent of several flow conditions. Generally, a nuclear electric power plant is constructed using straight pipes, elbows, and T-junctions. Indeed, a T-Junction is a basic fluid element of a pipeline network. The flow in a fluid power plant is turbulent. There are peculiar flow phenomena that occur at high Reynolds numbers, which are also seen in other flow situations; e.g., Kaman vortices are observed around a circular cylinder in low Reynolds numbers, around structures like bridges and downstream of islands in oceans. Although the flow situation of a T-junction and elbow in a fluid power plant, such as the fluid suddenly changing its flow direction is turbulent flow, the authors mention the possibility of the fluid-induced vibration of a pipeline network.


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