Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is an important process in
Photovoltaic (PV) systems because of the need to extract maximum power from PV
panels used in these systems. Without the ability to track and have PV panels operate at its maximum
power point (MPP) entails power losses; resulting in high cost since more panels will be required to provide specified
energy needs. To achieve high efficiency and low cost, MPPT has
therefore become an imperative in PV systems. In this study, an MPP tracker is
modeled using the IC algorithm and its behavior under rapidly changing
environmental conditions of temperature and irradiation levels is investigated.
This algorithm, based on knowledge of the variation of the conductance of PV
cells and the operating point with respect to the voltage and current of the panel
calculates the slope of the power characteristics to determine the MPP as the
peak of the curve. A simple circuit model of the DC-DC boost converter
connected to a PV panel is used in the simulation; and the output of the boost
converter is fed through a 3-phase inverter to an electricity grid. The model was
simulated and tested using MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation results show the
effectiveness of the IC algorithm for
tracking the MPP in PV systems operating under rapidly changing
temperatures and irradiations with a settling time of 2 seconds.
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