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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on Operation Optimization of Renewable Energy Complementary Micro Energy Network

DOI: 10.12677/DSC.2022.112009, PP. 77-85

Keywords: 微能源网系统,风光燃储,风光渗透率,非线性规划,运行优化
Micro-Energy Network System
, Wind-Light-Burning-Storage, Wind-Light Permeability, Nonlinear Programming, Operation Optimization

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微能源网作为集能源互联、转化、耦合、存储等功能于一体的小型综合能源供应系统成为了研究热点。本文以可再生能源的最大消纳为目标,对包含风能、太阳能、生物质气/天然气、储能等多种能源结构的区域型微能源网系统运行优化问题进行了研究。建立了包含风光渗透率(Ratio of Electricity Permeability, REP)和弃风弃光率(Abandoning Ratio, AR)在内的运行优化问题。充分考虑风光发电、储能、燃气轮机发电机组等运行特点,建立了区域型微能源网目标函数模型,通过分支界定法获得最优解。经过运行优化后微能源网系统的弃风弃光率均接近于0,风光渗透率最高可达到35%左右。通过优化算例对上述模型进行计算分析,可以为微能源网系统的运行规划提供参考。
As a small integrated energy supply system integrating energy interconnection, conversion, coupling and storage, microenergy network has become a research hotspot. In order to maximize the consumption of renewable energy, this paper studies the operation optimization of regional micro energy grid system including wind, solar, biomass gas/natural gas, energy storage and other energy structures. The optimization problems including wind and light abandoning ratio (AR) and Ratio of Electricity Permeability (REP) were established. The objective function model of regional micro energy network was established, and the optimal solution was obtained by branch definition method. After operation optimization, the wind and light abandoning rate of the micro energy network system is close to 0, and the maximum wind and light abandoning rate of the micro energy network system is about 35%. The optimization example is used to calculate and analyze the above model, which can provide reference for the operation planning of micro-energy network system.


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