For a long time now, humanity has been facing the phenomenon known as “climate change”, a major challenge of which we
must be aware of what we are doing so as not to affect ourselves or
future generations. It is evident that, if what
is sought is a sustainable energy future, the current energy model implemented in certain countries
and regions of the world is not the most adequate and makes the achievement of
this goal unfeasible.This situation threatens to greatly alter our ecosystems and our social structures, and one of
the key actions to mitigate it is,
undeniably, the generalization of the use of renewable energy sources;
and specifically, the non-conventional sources, referring to solar and wind, technologies that comply with
the principle of energy complementarity; however, there are other
possible solutions such as the deployment of programs that consider efficient
cooking technologies; involving with it is everything related to energy security and equity, as well as environmental protection. In this article, as
a technology to be considered to reduce and mitigate the Greenhouse
Gases (GHG)emissions, an analysis of the efficiency assessment of electric induction cooktops and the
determination of their
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