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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Study on the Influence of Public Opinion Information of the African Swine Fever on the Fluctuation of Pork Prices in China

DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2022.121007, PP. 49-72

Keywords: 舆情指数,文本挖掘,VAR模型,空间自相关,聚类分析
Public Opinion Index
, Text Mining, VAR Model, Spatial Autocorrelation, Cluster Analysis

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Since the outbreak of the African Swine Fever in August 2018, it has had a significant impact on my country’s pig industry and people’s lives. In order to quantify the public opinion of swine fever and study the conduction relationship between the public opinion of African swine fever and the prices of pigs, as well as the spatial distribution of pig prices. This paper uses machine learning from the LDA topic model, support vector machine, random forest, gradient descent to construct sentiment classifier, uses TF-IDF to calculate the weight of feature words to calculate the African swine fever public opinion index, and uses the VAR model to study the conduction relationship between the public opinion index and pig prices. Finally, the spatial autocorrelation analysis method is used to analyze the provincial characteristics of pig prices, and cluster analysis is used to verify it. This article enriches the research methods of African swine fever public opinion analysis, and for the first time the text processing method of public opinion to be applied to the public opinion analysis of swine fever, and provides reference opinions for domestic-related enterprises and governments on pig production regulation and pork pricing.


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