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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Application and Progress of Imaging-Visible Materials in Surgical Hernia Repair

DOI: 10.12677/NAT.2022.121001, PP. 1-7

Keywords: 疝气,补片,显影材料,可视化
, Meshes, Imaging-Visible Materials, Visualisation

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The use of meshes has become the mainstay of surgical hernia repair. Compared to traditional tensioned surgical repair methods, mesh implantation has greatly enhanced the strength of the defective abdominal wall and reduced the recurrence rate, but at the same time, brings about some mesh-related complications, such as chronic foreign body reaction (FBR), abdominal adhesions, infection, and fistula development. Studies have shown that the occurrence of these complications is closely related to contracture and displacement of the mesh, yet available imaging tools do not track this process, leading to an urgent need to develop a mesh that is compatible with the body and can be observed on imaging. This article presents advances in the safety and visualization of common developing materials for hernia repair applications.


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