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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Mental Health, Religion and Suicide

DOI: 10.4236/ojmp.2022.111002, PP. 12-27

Keywords: Suicide, Mental Health, Religion, Suicide Attempt

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Suicide is one of the most common yet serious concerns, and a worldwide subject that individuals have debated from the past to the present. Suicidal ideation affects and disrupts the functionality of a human being regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or even religion. This article aims to discuss suicide in general and from an Islamic perspective in specific, as research has shown that an Islamically oriented approach and intervention works better with the Muslim population in general. The paper also aims to have a broader view of how Islam categorized suicide classically and its modern implications, which also lets us explore the similarities, and differences between the Islamic perspective and different religions about suicide and related mental health concerns. A collection of both classic and modern sources was used to extract information and provide a scope of definitions to clarify suicide and religiosity concerning the teachings and opinion of Islam about the meaning of life, afterlife, and soul. It was found that the Muslim population showed a lower rate of suicide in comparison to individuals from other religions, and religious individuals showed faster recovery from suicidal ideation. Yet, Muslims are not immune to mental health conditions that would result in suicide. Therefore, further studies and research need to be conducted to understand the huge stigma around Muslim about mental health and suicide in the Muslim communities, to compare the effectiveness among the religious and the non-religious Muslims, and lastly to fill the gap as to why the Muslim population tends to be hesitant in seeking help regarding their psychological problems.


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