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Fracture Mechanics on Aluminum Specimens

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.1112016, PP. 237-257

Keywords: Metallography, A413 Aluminum, Fracture Mechanics, Stress Efforts, Fractography

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ASTM standards for A413 aluminum alloy specimen assays were used based on standard E399-05, with a minimum requirement of three specimens. Linear elastic fracture mechanic testing was carried out in plane strain conditions and fracture toughness of the tested aluminum, critical stress intensity factor was determined. Four specimens with the selected geometry were made, since in the pre-cracking process a non-acceptable propagation of crack may be present, i.e., the crack does not propagate in a parabolic manner. In like manner, the Type SE (B) specimen, that is, a beam subject to bending under a monotonic load, was used. Stress efforts were induced in the experiment, the load mode for such experiments is mode I, determining a temporary value of the KQ apparent stress intensity factor. When such value complies with the validity criteria of E-399 Standard, it becomes the stress intensity factor KIC of material.


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