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Development of Novel Magnetic Responsive Intelligent Fluid, Hybrid Fluid (HF), for Production of Soft and Tactile Rubber

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.1110014, PP. 187-203

Keywords: Intelligent Fluid, Hybrid Fluid (HF), Magnetic Fluid, Magnetic Compound Fluid (MCF), Piezoelectric Effect, Rubber, Artificial Skin, Sensor, Electrolytic Polymerization, Magnetic Cluster, Magnetic Field, Artificial Skin, Robot

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For the purpose of the replacement of Magnetic Fluid (MF) which is effective in the production of an artificial soft and tactile skin for the robot, etc. by utilizing a rubber solidification method with electrolytic polymerization, we proposed a novel magnetic responsive intelligent fluid, Hybrid Fluid (HF). HF is structured with water, kerosene, silicon oil having Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as well as magnetic particles and surfactant. The state of HF changes as jelly or fluid by their rates of the constituents and motion style. In the present paper, we presented the characteristics of HF: the viscosity and the magnetization are respectively equivalent to those of other magnetic responsive fluids, MF and their solvents. For the structure, HF is soluble simultaneously with both diene and non-diene rubbers. The diene rubber such as Natural Rubber (NR) or Chloroprene (CR) has a role in the feasibility of electrolytic polymerization and the non-diene rubber such as silicon oil rubber (Q) has a role in defense against deterioration. Therefore, the electrolytically polymerized HF rubber by mixing NR, CR as well as Q is effective for the artificial soft and tactile skin. It is responsive to pressure and has optimal property on piezoelectricity in the case of the mixture of Ni particles as filler. HF is effective in the production of the artificial soft and tactile skin made of rubber.


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