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A Qualitative Analysis of the Diameter of Long Positive Jet Streamer above Thundercloud in Uniform Atmosphere

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2021.139009, PP. 123-134

Keywords: Streamer, Jet, Thunderclouds, Electric Field, Leader

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A qualitative analysis of the diameter of the spherical head of a long positive Jet streamer above thundercloud is presented in this paper under uniform atmospheric condition for streamers of less than 7 km length. In this study, an attempt is made to replicate laboratory-based point electrode discharge model for jet streamers originating above the thunderclouds. In laboratory conditions, it is not possible to produce huge electrode potentials which could be the reason that the streamers generated under the controlled lab environment have diameter of the order of only a few centimeter and length of a few millimeter. On the other hand, the thunderclouds carry huge electrical charges, for example 50 C, which can produce huge electrical potentials of the order of several hundred MeV. Such huge potential can act as the potential of a point electrode which may be capable of producing very large and thicker streamers above the thunderclouds. So, a leader mechanism of streamer initiation is assumed in calculations as the tip of conducting leader channel can act as point electrode carrying huge cloud potential to generate large streamers. It is found in this study that as the streamer moves larger distance away from the electrode (leader tip), the diameter of the streamer head decreases. Higher the potential of the electrode (leader tip), thicker is the streamer and more slowly the diameter decreases. Also, it is also found in our calculations that for higher electrode (leader tip) potential lower is the altitude of initiation of streamers.


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