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Prediction of Water Content of Eucalyptus Leaves Using 2.4 GHz Radio Wave

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2021.138008, PP. 111-122

Keywords: Radio Attenuation, Leaves, Water Content, Path Loss, Vegetation Depth

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Assessing plant water status is important for monitoring plant physiology. Previous studies showed that radio waves are attenuated when passing through vegetation such as trees. The degree of radio frequency (RF) loss has previously been measured for various tree types but the relationship between water content and RF loss has not been quantified. In this study, the amount of water inside leaves was expressed as an effective water path (EWP), the thickness of a hypothetical sheet of 100% water with the same mass. A 2.4331 GHz radio wave was transmitted through a wooden frame covered on both sides with 5 mm clear acrylic sheets and filled with Eucalyptus laevopinea leaves. The RF loss through the leaves was measured for different stages of drying. The results showed that there is a nonlinear relationship between effective water path (EWP) in mm and RF loss in dB. It can be concluded that 2.4 GHz frequency radio waves can be used to predict the water content inside eucalyptus leaves (0 < EWP < 14 mm; RMSE ± 0.87 mm) and demonstrates the potential to measure the water content of whole trees.


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