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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on Environmental Behavior and Biological Effects of Metal Nanoparticles

DOI: 10.12677/NAT.2021.113013, PP. 100-108

Keywords: 金属纳米颗粒,环境行为,生物效应,植物,微生物
Metal Nanoparticles
, Environmental Behavior, Biological Effects, Botany, Microorganism

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With the development of nanotechnology, metal nanoparticles have been widely used in various industries due to their good physical and chemical properties, resulting in a large amount of accumulation in the soil environment. The metal nanoparticles released into the soil will have a series of environmental behaviors, which will affect the soil ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to study the environmental behavior and biological effects of metal nanoparticles in order to fully understand the impact of metal nanoparticles on soil ecosystem and their migration and transformation in soil environment. This paper reviewed the environmental behavior of metal nanoparticles in soil environment and their biological effects on plants and microorganisms in soil. On this basis, the environmental behavior and biological effects of metal nanoparticles have been prospected.


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