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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Insatiable Narcissism Underlying Addictive Behavior: Outline of a Biosystematic Model

DOI: 10.4236/ojmp.2021.104006, PP. 61-69

Keywords: Narcissism, Logic of Narcissism, Pseudosatisfaction, Addiction

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This study is a contribution to basic research on narcissism shown on addictive behavior. A new biosystematic model of narcissism underlying addictive behavior is outlined. Basically, normal narcissism is defined as the self-reference of living systems maintaining their circular organization and identity. The communication between narcissistic systems follows the narcissistic logic of fitting or non-fitting of structures (a third possibility is excluded) shown on geometric diagrams. From this model of narcissistic interactions with the environment, addictive behavior is deduced. If the narcissistic desire for the ideal objects cannot be satisfied in the environment, the narcissist attempts to cope with this lack of intended objects by abuse of addictive substances. This leads to an overexpression of receptors in pertinent brain areas that may underly craving on the behavioral level, interpreted as pseudo satisfaction of narcissistic desiresdestiny becomes an addiction. In conclusion, the significance of the biosystematic model of narcissism for the understanding of addictive communication and the psychopathology of depression is briefly discussed.


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