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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Degenerate States in Nonlinear Sigma Model with U(1) Symmetry

—For Study on Violation of Cluster Property

DOI: 10.4236/wjcmp.2021.113003, PP. 29-52

Keywords: Quantum Nonlinear Sigma Model, U(1) Symmetry, Cluster Property, Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Degenerate States

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Entanglement in quantum theory is a concept that has confused many scientists. This concept implies that the cluster property, which means no relations between sufficiently separated two events, is non-trivial. In the works for some quantum spin systems, which have been recently published by the author, extensive and quantitative examinations were made about the violation of cluster property in the correlation function of the spin operator. The previous study of these quantum antiferromagnets showed that this violation is induced by the degenerate states in the systems where the continuous symmetry spontaneously breaks. Since this breaking is found in many materials such as the high temperature superconductors and the superfluidity, it is an important question whether we can observe the violation of the cluster property in them. As a step to answer this question we study a quantum nonlinear sigma model with U(1) symmetry in this paper. It is well known that this model, which has been derived as an effective model of the quantum spin systems, can also be applied to investigations of many materials. Notifying that the existence of the degenerate states is essential for the violation, we made numerical calculations in addition to theoretical arguments to find these states in the nonlinear sigma model. Then, successfully finding the degenerate states in the model, we came to a conclusion that there is a chance to observe the violation of cluster property in many materials to which the nonlinear sigma model applies.


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