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AC Back Surface Recombination Velocity in n-p-p Silicon Solar Cell under Monochromatic Light and Temperature

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2021.135005, PP. 67-81

Keywords: Silicon Solar Cell, AC Back Surface Recombination Velocity, Temperature, Bode and Nyquist Diagrams

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Excess minority carrier’s diffusion equation in the base of monofaciale silicon solar cell under frequency modulation of monochromatic illumination is resolved. Using conditions at the base limits involving recombination velocities Sf and Sb, respectively at the junction (n/p) and back surface (p/p), the AC expression of the excess minority carriers’ density δ (T, ω) is determined. The AC density of photocurrent Jph (T, ω) is represented versus recombination velocity at the junction for different values of the temperature. The expression of the AC back surface recombination velocity Sb of minority carriers is deduced depending on the frequency of modulation, temperature, the electronic parameters (D (ω)) and the thickness of the base. Bode and Nyquist diagrams are used to analyze it.


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