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Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stress Determination Based on Spherical Indentation Accumulation Morphology

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.116009, PP. 111-120

Keywords: Finite Element Method, Residual Stress, Spherical Indentation, Pile-Up Morphology

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The introduction of residual stress during the processing of materials has an important impact on the properties of the materials, so it is important to accurately measure the residual stress of the material. This paper established a finite element model of spherical indentation under the action of non-equivalent biaxial residual stress. Then we extracted the full-field accumulation state near the indentation under different stress states from the simulation results and summarized the pile height distribution near the indentation under different stress states. From the simulation, we found that the maximum pile-up height near the indentation point presented a regular trend.


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